
Baldy 147.18 MHz +600 KHz PL100
Sawtooth 147.14 MHz +600 KHz PL100

Our repeater system is open to all amateur operators. Visitors are encouraged to call CQ.

The Bald Mountain (WX7XX/R) Repeater is located  on Bald Mountain near Ketchum, ID at 9200 Feet.
Coverage includes the Wood River Valley to as far south as Twin Falls, ID and Burley, ID. 

The Sawtooth (WX7XX/R) Repeater is located near Galena peak at 8200 feet.
Coverage on state route 75 is from Milepost 140 (10 miles north of Ketchum, ID North to Stanley, ID.
On State route 21 from Stanley, ID to mile marker 112 (Cape Horn).
Coverage is excellent in much of the Sawtooth mountains. 

Sawtooth Repeater phone patch: *456 Up, #456 Down

Baldy Repeater Site
Baldy Repeater Site

Coverage Maps

Courtesy of Wireless Site Solutions, Chuck Robertson

New to using a repeater?  Check out the proper etiquette here…

WRARC Net 7pm Mountain time
Net control may use this script as a guideline.